手捏陶 OT0001
純手工捏製,從揉土到燒窯,完全不假他人。部份作品添加岩礦,其陶土成分在增加天然岩礦後,呈現出更接近自然的原色及質地。同時以高溫燒製,在堅持不上釉的情形下,所有器具皆可安心使用。不論是收藏觀賞或是日常使用,都與普通的茶具更具特色。 All the works are handmade by ourselves. We add mineral powder into clay in some works that its color and appearance are more close to nature.We don't use glaze in our works to let you use it more safely. No matter for collecting or for daily use that would be a tremendous distinction between the normal ones.